MGrabParticles CoordinateList.l,NumPoints.l,Buffer.l ; Grab lots of points from a table into buffer mem

Performs multiple Point operations from the currently used chunky Bitmap.
CoordinateList.l should point to the list of coordinates which should be in
X.w,Y.w pairs, X.q,Y.q pairs or Ptr.l actual memory addresses as chosen with
MParticleFormat. Specify the total number of points in NumPoints.l and finally pass
the address of a memory buffer in Buffer.l. Pixels, which will be a byte in size
each, will be grabbed from the bitmap according to the coordinates from the list,
and placed into the memory buffer. This command is mainly used for picking up
areas from an image, which may be for use as part of a background-preservation
system when moving using particles as an animation feature. Please refer to
MParticleFormat which you should call before performing your particle operations
if you want to be sure of the list format.

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